What makes our policies different from the Competition?
In 2024 we paid out on over 98% of the claims we received and our 5 year average is also over 98% of claims paid*. This was no accident, we have over 40 years experience of what can go wrong when our customers damage their instruments and have designed our policies to ensure there are no unexpected costs or restrictions that will leave you picking up unexpected costs or leave you without cover when you need it most.
All our policies protect you from accidental damage to, and loss of, your instruments; this includes the risks of Fire, Theft and Flood damage.
But with the added benefits of:
Cover on an ALL RISK Basis; This puts you in control, we tell you when you take out your policy everything that is NOT covered by our policies. For example: We will not cover you if you deliberately damage your instrument. You will find this information in the Exclusion section of your policy booklet, so if you damage your instrument and it's not in a list of exclusions, then YOU ARE COVERED.
NEW for OLD; We will not make any deductions from your claim based on the age or condition of your instrument at the time the damage occurred, so we will pay up to the value your instrument is insured for to repair or replace.
Transportation costs up to £3,500; Repairing your instrument when damaged is only the start of the costs. We pay for the transportation of your instrument to/from the repairer because we want your instrument repaired by a specialist and that may mean sending it back to the manufacturer.
Replacement Instrument Hire up to £4,000; We will allow you to hire a replacement instrument from the beginning of the repair until it is returned to you after repair, so you can carry on practicing, attending rehearsals and all those important concerts and gigs.
Free Public Liability cover; All our policies include £1m of Public liability cover FREE OF CHARGE so you are protected if you damage someone else's property when you are playing. This can be increased to greater limits for an additional fee.
NOTE: We DO NOT require you to insure any instrument for the cost of a new one to benefit from new for old cover. Providing you can replace your instrument for the value you declare on your policy we have no problem with 2nd hand values.
* This figure excludes claims voluntarily withdrawn by the policy holder.